Search found 75 matches

by infinitemach
07 Nov 2024, 03:42
Forum: DipTrace PCB Layout
Topic: Strange panel gerber output
Replies: 1
Views: 1546

Strange panel gerber output

I panelized a PCB. The panel has rails and mouse bites. I added panel fiducials and stencil alignment holes to the rails. When I look at the gerber file, there are rail fiducials and alignment holes beyond the panel margins. Why is this happening? Also is it possible to have a negative offset for th...
by infinitemach
04 Nov 2024, 21:07
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Make the Attaching Patterns import dialog resizable
Replies: 1
Views: 1782

Make the Attaching Patterns import dialog resizable

When importing a schematic from another program, KiCad for example, it would be really nice if the Attaching Patterns dialog box was resizable. This would allow having a full view of the pattern names and pattern library paths.
by infinitemach
28 Oct 2024, 16:50
Forum: DipTrace Schematic Capture
Topic: Net Port confusion
Replies: 3
Views: 2990

Re: Net Port confusion

Issue resolved. I had to remove any ports with that name and start from scratch. I created my own ports in a library with the same name as the target net. For generic netport assignments, I discovered that I had to first assign a name to the netport the is the same as the net it will be connected to...
by infinitemach
25 Oct 2024, 16:46
Forum: DipTrace Schematic Capture
Topic: Net Port confusion
Replies: 3
Views: 2990

Re: Net Port confusion

I tried renaming the pin and I still get the error message. Here's a video demonstrating the problem.

by infinitemach
24 Oct 2024, 23:50
Forum: DipTrace Schematic Capture
Topic: Net Port confusion
Replies: 3
Views: 2990

Net Port confusion

I am trying to use Net Ports to stub out wires that are connected to power sources or other nets on the design. In this picture I am trying to connect a net port to one of the pins of a potentiometer. When I do this, I get this error. What exactly does this error mean? I have tried creating a net po...
by infinitemach
23 Oct 2024, 19:12
Forum: DipTrace Schematic Capture
Topic: Single Pin In Net error
Replies: 1
Views: 2094

Single Pin In Net error

When I try to validate my schematic I am getting this error. I tried removing the net and reconstructing it, but the error will not go away. What does this error mean?

I want the net to connect to ground.
SinglePinInNet.png (29.66 KiB) Viewed 2094 times
by infinitemach
23 Oct 2024, 18:26
Forum: DipTrace Schematic Capture
Topic: Kicad schematic import grid settings
Replies: 1
Views: 2013

Re: Kicad schematic import grid settings

I was able to get everything lined up by switching to a 0.635mm grid, selecting the entire sheet, and moving up 1 and left 1. Then I changed the grid back to 1.27mm
by infinitemach
23 Oct 2024, 17:07
Forum: DipTrace Schematic Capture
Topic: Kicad schematic import grid settings
Replies: 1
Views: 2013

Kicad schematic import grid settings

I imported a Kicad 8 schematic into DipTrace 5 and all the parts and wires are snapped to a 0.635 grid, even though the Diptrace grid size is 1.27mm.

Is there a problem with changing the grid size to 0.635 so that any wires and parts that I add will properly connect?
by infinitemach
23 Oct 2024, 04:57
Forum: Other questions and issues
Topic: Upgrade to 5.0 question
Replies: 1
Views: 1883

Re: Upgrade to 5.0 question

Solved. I received my 5.0 keys by email this evening.
by infinitemach
22 Oct 2024, 22:11
Forum: Other questions and issues
Topic: Upgrade to 5.0 question
Replies: 1
Views: 1883

Upgrade to 5.0 question

I ordered the upgrade from 4.x to 5.0. I received the order confirmation but no instructions on how to download. Will I receive a new license key for 5.0