So I'm building a few simple and small two sided adapter boards that have afew static Via's that go through the board. The only things on the bottom of the boards are the Via's and trace/s that join them together.
Now when I load these into pcbway they fail verification with a no bottom solder mask layer error. Even though the file exists inside the uploaded Gerber zip file. However if I put a mounting hole or a through-hole pad the error goes away. Though I don't need a mounting hole or a through-hole pad for these boards.
Also if I don't have anything in the silkscreen layers and with the layer files exported and confirmed to be in the Gerber .zip file Pcbway fails verification stating that I have a don't have a bottom silkscreen layer.
Anyone had any similar issues with pcbway and how did you fix them?
Pcbway not seeing layers
Re: Pcbway not seeing layers
PCBWay online viewer fails if you load empty Gerber files. Once you add something on the layers then Gerber files are viewed normally.
You can click on "Files" button on export Gerber dialog window and exclude empty Gerber layer from "Export All" option.
You can click on "Files" button on export Gerber dialog window and exclude empty Gerber layer from "Export All" option.
Re: Pcbway not seeing layers
Easy fix was I placed a mounting hole and a dot on each silkscreen layer outside of the board points.
Re: Pcbway not seeing layers
Another issue I've just had happen is I've got a few Diptrace projects where Diptrace 3d window shows correctly with the solder mask completely covering the bottom layer but the PCBway Gerber viewer shows the bare copper so no solder mask layer at all.
Re: Pcbway not seeing layers
Hi! I've been navigating some quirks on PCBWay, and I'm curious if anyone else has come across a similar puzzle. I'm working on these neat two-sided adapter boards with a few static vias running through them. Oddly enough, when I upload them to PCBWay, I get hit with a "no bottom solder mask layer" error during verification, even though the Gerber file is right there in the zip. What's even stranger is that throwing in a mounting hole or a through-hole pad magically makes the error vanish. But here's the catch – I don't really need those for these boards...
time tracking program developer
time tracking program developer
- Posts: 1
- Joined: 16 Sep 2024, 14:39
Re: Pcbway not seeing layers
To fix this issue, make sure that all required layers are named and formatted correctly.
Last edited by janegleichner on 16 Sep 2024, 14:44, edited 1 time in total.