A few things I'd like to see

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Posts: 16
Joined: 04 Apr 2015, 20:38

Re: A few things I'd like to see

#11 Post by ryansoundlab » 17 May 2020, 16:25

I tried hitting F10 to get into the mode of moving the identifiers, then selecting say R7 with the mouse to make it move. But once you touch an arrow key, Diptrace bounces you out of that mode and the identifier is no longer selected. Doesn't matter if you hold the left button down either. Another example of how DipTrace is isolated from windows is the non-functioning of the F4 button, which in Windows means "repeat the same command you just did". It totally ignores the normal Windows special functions as near as I can tell. Control_C and V for Copy and Paste only work like Windows because they are DipTrace reserved hotkeys.

If this capability is coming to v4 I'm delighted!

Posts: 16
Joined: 04 Apr 2015, 20:38

Re: A few things I'd like to see

#12 Post by ryansoundlab » 14 Nov 2024, 17:06

It may have been there for a while but I just noticed that both the schematic and layout windows now re-open at the same size as when they were previously closed. Yay!!! One of my "wish list" items has been fulfilled. Thanks to DipTrace!

Posts: 37
Joined: 09 Feb 2012, 00:10

Re: A few things I'd like to see

#13 Post by mike_s » 14 Nov 2024, 21:57

The suggested changes are ALL valid additions to a already wonderful Dip Trace. All be safe.

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