I am having a problem that I am sure has been crossed before. I looked through the forum postings, but couldn't find a solution from someone else.
I am hooking up an op amp that has a vcc+ and a vcc- pin, but being that I am only using a positive supply I connected the vcc- pin to ground.
When I preform an electrical rule check I get an error stating that there is a short circuit (net0, U2:Vcc-) which in a mathematical/ programming way makes sense
because the program is expecting a voltage and not a ground. but I don't know how to fix or suppress this error. If someone has dealt with this before I would
greatly appreciate it if you would share your experience/ solution with me.
Kind of related, but not.
I made a voltage divider circuit to create a voltage offset to float the AC on for the op amps above. Is there a symbol for a Vref point
(which is the offset voltage from the voltage divider) in Diptrace like there is for voltages in the "Net Ports" sub-folder? I saw that
there are ports listed below the voltages, can I use any of those? What is the standard way to deal with a Vref voltage offset?
Thanks in advance,
Voltage offset short circuit / Vref
Re: Voltage offset short circuit / Vref
1. Please open "Verification -> Electrical Rule Setup". There is Power Pins for SC" (short circuit) in the bottom right corner. By default, they are V* and GND*. So any pin which name starts from V is considered as power pin. But you can edit the field and change V* to something more precise, Vcc+ for example.
2. You can use any neport from standard library you like but rename it to Vref. The software connects wires joined to netports with the same name and the same pin names.
2. You can use any neport from standard library you like but rename it to Vref. The software connects wires joined to netports with the same name and the same pin names.