
Craig D. Mattocks
RelTek Corporation
The program has so far handled every board design no matter what size or shape of the board. I have created both rectangular printed circuit boards as well as round boards. The autorouter function for the PCB has worked much better than I expected.
Fabio Ceconello
You have a superb product nonetheless. When I started looking for a design tool, everyone I asked for was using EAGLE. I tried it and was appalled at how unfriendly and inflexible it was; when I finally came across DipTrace, I instantly thought "Now, that's how such a software should be!". There's really no match
for DipTrace, at least for all I was able to find and try.
Jim Carstensen
Director of Engineering
Alcorn McBride, Inc.
DipTrace breaks the traditional mold for schematic capture and layout CAD software by being super-intuitive and simple to learn, while still providing all the capabilities of design packages costing 10 times as much. Keep up the good work!
We've purchased DipTrace recently. I'd like to appreciate your entire team in bringing out such outstanding product that features award-winning user interface, extremely simple to learn and wonderful, with videos for quick learning. It's an excellent tool that provides the shortest way to end-user products.
Dave Pratt
Product Development Engineer
Picosecond Pulse Labs
As a mechanical engineer and 20 year AutoCAD user I was having a hard time transitioning to PCB layouts. After attempting to learn products such as OrCAD and Eagle, which are cumbersome and very non-intuitive, finding DipTrace is like a breath of fresh air.
Russ Wilson
MedDev Engineering
How does one thank you for your fast and professional support of such a complicated program. I cannot get over the way you people handle the myriad of problems and do it so quickly. Thanks for a wonderful product but more so knowing that the support is just a click away.